Youth Forum is over for another year. WOW! What an amazing weekend. Sacred space was created where the Youth could be inspired, reflective, be challenged and changed.
God was at work in so many amazing ways. But don't take my word for it, here are some comments from the evaluations completed by the youth who were there:
When asked "Where did you see or feel the presence of God this weekend?" these were just some of the responses:
-In the Labyrinth, silent reflection, worship, home groups.
-I felt the presence of God at the worship in the Long House and in my Home Group.
-When we were singing
-Everywhere, especially in all the great people
-Throughout the whole weekend
-Saturday night worship
-I felt VERY connected to God this weekend
-Everywhere, in singing, in nature, in worship . . . .everywhere!!!
-When David led in prayer
-when David would talk to us.
-Nature walk
-In every single person
-In my last home group meeting, at the candle worship, and in the labyrinth
-During candle lit worship, in others and in myself
-walking alone outside
-in all the friendships
-he/she was very present all throughout this weekend in everything we did.
-in Ricks teddy bear, every time I had a home group time I always felt like God was watching us from the bear and protecting us.
-In silent time
Some of the Other reflections:
-I`m so happy I can come back next year
-wonderful time being here and might bring a friend that goes to church next year to Youth Forum
-I am extremely thankful
-I LOVE YOUTH FORUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-Amazing, I have never felt this strong in my faith before.
-I`m really going to miss this next year
-all the people here were so welcoming and nice, this was such a great experience
-Amazing weekend, am already excited for next year
-Nature walk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-"I am always waiting for someone to slip up and judge me- and it never happened"
-I`m coming back!
-Youth Forum was a really peaceful place to spiritually get connected to God and create friendships to last a life time.
-Youth Forum led me to an amazing amount of reflection and peace that I had never experienced in such depth.
-God will always be with me and help me conquer my fears thanks to Youth Forum!
As you can tell from these comments, this was a fantastic weekend. We laughed and prayed and ate and cried and played. This weekend happens every April for high-school aged youth, so if you weren't able to come this year make sure that you're there next time! See what all the fuss is about for yourself!