Thursday, 22 March 2012

40 Practices for Lent - Part 8

Day Thirty-six: Find ways to recognize people as children of God.  Make eye contact with the grocery store clerk.  Smile at strangers.

Day Thirty-seven: Try fasting from a different kind of hunger, consumerism.  Choose one day in Lent to prayerfully explore consumer spending habits and how often we bu more than we need.  Refrain from making purchases on that day.

Day Thirty-eight: Death is inevitably part of the Lenten journey as we tell the story of Jesus' death on the cross and find assurance of our new life we have because of the resurrection.  Take this time to remember those who have new life with God and be strengthened by the witness of their lives.  Take out photos of family and friends who have died.  Talk about these people with your family or share their stories with a friend.

Day Thirty-nine: Learn and practice the traditional practice of praying the Stations of the Cross.  Ask a friend who attends a Catholic church if you might attend a Lenten program with them that prays the stations, or visit:

Day Forty: Practice resurrection.  We are the people of resurrection and hope, called to live passionately and compassionately with others, to defy death, to forgive, and to bring others back into the community, to do something that is life-giving, that fights death and needless suffering.

These are the last 5 days of Lent.  I hope that you have found some of these practices we've explored in Lent meaningful.  Peace & Joy, Nancy.

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