Monday, 5 December 2011

December Events

A worship experience for everyone.  Put four hundred worshippers together in a sanctuary with a live band pumping out rock and hip-hop, synchronised with pulsing lights, images, and videos on two twelve foot screens and you’ve got what Tex Sample calls the spectacle of worship. Or, to the young people in London Conference, you’ve got “The Swell”.  This worship is open to all ages. 
Dec. 17th, 2011
Wesley-Knox United Church, London, ON
6:00 pm: video games on the big screen
7:00 pm: Worship begins

Ice Skating:
A chance to be together and to laugh at Nancy as she tries to skate!  It is free, you just need to bring your own skates (they don't rent them).  Open to both Junior and Senior Youth Groups.  Please contact Nancy to let her know you are coming
Dec 18th, 2011
Ridgetown Arena (next to the Tim Hortons).
1:30-2:30 pm.