Sunday, 29 January 2012


"Maybe we could spend a moment at the end of each day and decide to remember that day - whatever may have happened - be grateful for.  In so doing we increase our heart's capacity to choose joy."

-Henri J.M. Nouwen

What are you grateful for today?

Bowling Fun!

Thanks to everyone who came out bowling!  I had a great time and I hope you did too.  It was great to have people there from four different congregations!

Thursday, 19 January 2012


This Saturday, Jan 21st at 3 pm in Chatham.
I need to know if you are coming so I can book the lane! or 519-674-2497.
Come, have fun, bowl, get to know folks!
Open to both Junior and Senior Youth (minimum age is 10 years).

"I think it is better to inform people about faith with action more than with words." - Dan P. (youth)

My children, we should love people not only with words and talk, but by our actions and true caring. - 1 John 3:18

Tuesday, 17 January 2012


Here is a link to an interesting article by Mark Oestreicher about the importance of belonging.

I am interested to know how your church let's people (children, youth, adults, seniors) know that they belong.

Monday, 16 January 2012

Duty of Care Open House

The London Conference
Sexual Abuse Awareness and Response Committee
invites you...

To an opportunity to learn about the SAAR Committee of London Conference and to consider the role of being a consultant.

A consultant is an active position tht assist the SAAR Committee, Presbytery and Conference staff through an incident that fits under the Sexual Abuse Policy cret by the United Church of Canada.

Training will be provided.

Join us for lunch and open dialogue at:

Wednesday January 25th @ 10 am
Siloam United Church
1240 Fanshawe Park Road East, London, ON

Peter Kingsbury
London Conference Personnel Minister

Overseas Opportunities

New Year’s greetings to you!
We are delighted to send you an electronic copy of the 2012 Global Service and Learning Opportunities: Invitations from Partners. This listing includes some requests you may have seen before; there are several new ones appearing for the first time. Please take time to go through it to gain some initial familiarity before a potential inquirer contacts you.
We count on you to widely circulate these requests for personnel and invitations from global partners. If you would like paper copies, let us know. The Church’s toll-free number is: 1-800-268-3781. Heather’s extension is 4017, Patti’s is 4018.
The 2012 list is updated periodically. Together with related information it can be found on the United Church’s website at:
Living and working as mission personnel in a cross-cultural context overseas is a unique opportunity and offers many gifts and challenges. These challenges are best met by people who have a deep and growing Christian faith, who are flexible, mature, resourceful, and who can live with ambiguity. These persons have a healthy sense-awareness, the ability to deal with unusual circumstances and are able to handle occasional high levels of stress. They have a strong commitment to God’s mission of justice and peace for all, and particularly for those who are marginalized or oppressed. Know someone like this? Please encourage them to consider overseas mission service through The United Church of Canada.
We have an intensive screening process, which can take several months. Individuals pursuing the possibility of mission service overseas should start six months to one year in advance to explore such a ministry. We hope to have a Mission Discernment Event in mid-February 2012 – so please encourage all potential inquirers to contact our office soon!
Patti Talbot & Heather Spares

Saturday, 14 January 2012

Youth Ministry Network and Support Day

Feb 4, 2012
10 am - 12 noon
Place to be determined.  (It will depend on where the people participating are - I can come to you!)

It is a time for all who work with youth - parents, volunteers, ministers, mentors, supportive congregation members - to get together and share stories, ideas, struggles and joys.  Whether there is one youth in your church or 20, you all are still doing youth ministry!

If you have a subject that you want to talk about, please let me know and I will bring resources that might be helpful.  Confirmation?  Junior Youth?  Single Digit Youth Groups?  Mission Trips?  Let's help each other:)

Please contact me if you are planning on attending:

Peace and blessings to you all!


The Worshiplude bus to Ottawa is now full.

If you are still interested in going, please let me know.  There is a waiting list and enough people sign up there is the possibility of a second bus.

Tuesday, 10 January 2012


Kent Presbytery it is time to bowl!  Come get to know other youth in Kent Presbytery and their friends while showing off your stellar bowling skills.

When:  Jan 21, 2012
Where: Bowlerama, 100 Keil Dr, Chatham
When: 3:00-4:00 pm
Cost:   $3.65/game + $2.50 for shoe rental (PRESBYTERY WILL PAY FOR THE FIRST GAME!)
Who:  Jr & Sr. Youth and their friends (I will let churches self-define "Jr. Youth")

RESERVATIONS are required so please let Nancy know you are coming by Jan 19th!

SuRF: Swell Weekend

If you like the Swell worship, you will love this weekend retreat!  A time for youth from across London Conference to get together and talk about life and faith.  Those conversations may be transformed into worship the Good Friday Swell.

The dates are Feb 23-26, 2012 at Lambton Centre.  Mark it in your calendar!

Look for information soon at!

Monday, 9 January 2012

Worshiplude 2012

Worshiplude 2012 Registration Form

Must be submitted to Brian MacKinnon by January 5, 2012 with $30 deposit. Remaining $50 will be due on January 28, 2012. Questions can be sent to Brian at or by calling 519-643-0129.

Registration and cheques can be sent to the following address:

Worshiplude c/o Brian MacKinnon

72 Grenfell Cres., London, ON, N5X 2M7


Name (Last, First)

Birthdate (dd/mm/yy)

Home Church (incl. city)

Address (street, city, postal code)

Email address

Telephone #


Health Card Number

Emergency Contact

Emergency Contact Phone #

Participant's cell phone # (if bringing to Ottawa)

Health concerns / dietary restrictions / allergies:


Would you like to go to the IMAX film at the Museum of Civilization? ($5 Student / $6 Adult with group rate) (Circle one)

             Yes                         No

Parent/Guardian Consent:

I, ______________________, hereby give consent for the above participant to participate in Worshiplude from February 10-12, 2012. I confirm that his/her health is suitable for outdoor activities. In case of emergency, I authorize leadership for this event to refer the above to medical authorities on my behalf.

Participant Statement:

I, _____________________________, acknowledge that Worshiplude is a drug and alcohol free weekend. I will not bring any illegal drugs or any alcohol with me. I agree to turn over any medication that I bring to the designated adult. I understand that I will be expected to abide by all rules and guidelines for the weekend as explained at the start of the event.

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Leadership Training Opportunity

Five Oaks has 2 opportunities for some training at the end of January that should be great:

Amy Crawford (National staff person), Jackie Harper (Bay of Quinte Conference minister fro Congregational Wholeness and Right Relations) and Brett Ullman (expert of media influences) will be providing leadership.  They will explore what it looks like to take a congregational approach to youth ministry.  The involvement of parents in the faith development of their children will also be addressed.  Anyone involved in a congregation would benefit from this program.
Cost: $250 includes tuition, meals and accommodation

2.) MEDIA. FAITH. CULTURE. Parents 101. - Jan. 28
Brett Ullman discusses from a parent's perspective, sensitive topics affecting today's young people.  Bringing hope and an awareness to today's parents, Brett shed light on how with increased knowledge of youth trends, adults can be more discerning in their parenting strategies and better able to anticipate the need of their children as they navigate the often challenging waters of adolescence.
3:00-5:00 pm
Cost: $25.

For more information or to register online check out
Five Oaks email:   phone: 519-442-3212.