Monday, 16 January 2012

Overseas Opportunities

New Year’s greetings to you!
We are delighted to send you an electronic copy of the 2012 Global Service and Learning Opportunities: Invitations from Partners. This listing includes some requests you may have seen before; there are several new ones appearing for the first time. Please take time to go through it to gain some initial familiarity before a potential inquirer contacts you.
We count on you to widely circulate these requests for personnel and invitations from global partners. If you would like paper copies, let us know. The Church’s toll-free number is: 1-800-268-3781. Heather’s extension is 4017, Patti’s is 4018.
The 2012 list is updated periodically. Together with related information it can be found on the United Church’s website at:
Living and working as mission personnel in a cross-cultural context overseas is a unique opportunity and offers many gifts and challenges. These challenges are best met by people who have a deep and growing Christian faith, who are flexible, mature, resourceful, and who can live with ambiguity. These persons have a healthy sense-awareness, the ability to deal with unusual circumstances and are able to handle occasional high levels of stress. They have a strong commitment to God’s mission of justice and peace for all, and particularly for those who are marginalized or oppressed. Know someone like this? Please encourage them to consider overseas mission service through The United Church of Canada.
We have an intensive screening process, which can take several months. Individuals pursuing the possibility of mission service overseas should start six months to one year in advance to explore such a ministry. We hope to have a Mission Discernment Event in mid-February 2012 – so please encourage all potential inquirers to contact our office soon!
Patti Talbot & Heather Spares

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