Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Leadership Training Opportunity

Five Oaks has 2 opportunities for some training at the end of January that should be great:

Amy Crawford (National staff person), Jackie Harper (Bay of Quinte Conference minister fro Congregational Wholeness and Right Relations) and Brett Ullman (expert of media influences) will be providing leadership.  They will explore what it looks like to take a congregational approach to youth ministry.  The involvement of parents in the faith development of their children will also be addressed.  Anyone involved in a congregation would benefit from this program.
Cost: $250 includes tuition, meals and accommodation

2.) MEDIA. FAITH. CULTURE. Parents 101. - Jan. 28
Brett Ullman discusses from a parent's perspective, sensitive topics affecting today's young people.  Bringing hope and an awareness to today's parents, Brett shed light on how with increased knowledge of youth trends, adults can be more discerning in their parenting strategies and better able to anticipate the need of their children as they navigate the often challenging waters of adolescence.
3:00-5:00 pm
Cost: $25.

For more information or to register online check out www.fiveoaks.on.ca
Five Oaks email: registrar@fiveoaks.on.ca   phone: 519-442-3212.

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