Wednesday, 22 February 2012

40 Practices for LENT - Part 1

Day One:  Ask for help.  Lent begins when we recognize that we can't do everything ourselves and we depend on God's grace for our lives.  Experience God's grace by asking for and receiving help for something we can't do on our own.

Day Two:  Follow "Journey to the Cross" an online special devotional for Lent/Easter.  Journey to the Cross features specially composed music, daily scripture reading and brief reflections.

Day Three:  "Be still and know that I am God."  (Psalm 46:10).  Turn off the TV, computer, phone and rest in the stillness.  Even if it is just for 5 minutes.

Day Four:  Prayer walk in the neighbourhood (where you live or work).  Simply walk around and pray for what you see, hear, touch and smell.

Day Five: Prepare and cook a "simple meal" of rice and beans for lunch or dinner.  Give the money you save in preparing this meal to an organization that feeds the hungry.  Pray before the meal and be reflective about those for whom this is their only meal.

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