Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Practices for Lent - Part 2

Day Six: Start seedlings.  Plant seeds in small jars and place them in the light.  May they be physical reminders that we partner with God in creation.

Day Seven: Open your awareness to those things that are destructive in the world - sources of injustice and oppression that result in destructive behaviours that hurt individuals, communities, and creation.

Day Eight: Practice the Daily Examen.  One of the long-established spiritual practices in Christianity, championed by Ignatius of Loyola (a Spanish reformer and contemporary of John Calvin, who soudht to reform the Roman church from within), is a discipline of self-examination and repentance Ignatius called exmen.  For more information:

Day Nine: Make a joyful noise to the Lord.  Make music by singing a song you have memorized or put on a CD and sing along.  Let your voice praise God.

Day Ten: Journey with Jesus.  Read Matthew, Mark, Luke or John from beginning to end during Lent and journey with him from the manger to the empty grave.

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