Thursday, 8 March 2012

40 Practices for Lent -- Part 4

Day Sixteen: Remember your baptism.  Place a bowl of water in a visible place in your house.  Touch the water and remember that we are linked to Christ and the Christian community through the waters of baptism.

Day Seventeen: Write a letter to God.

Day Eighteen: When attending worship or other gatherings of your faith community pay attention to how the music, liturgy, conversation, and fellowship time affect you.  Be open to how God speaks to you through community.

Day Nineteen: Prayer on the move. When in the car be intentional about turning the radio off and not talking on the cell phone.  When you are alone in the car, use that quiet time to be in prayer. 

Day Twenty: Jesus didn't "convert" Christians, he formed disciples and sent them out to continue the formation process.  Reflect on ways you have been shaped by the teachings of Jesus and shared them with others.

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